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About Us

Helping you balance modern day parenting with cultural context

Parenting in modern day India can be tricky. Caught between the traditions and teachings of our rich ancestral culture, and the innovations, contemporary theories and knowledge of the western world, choosing the right balance between wanting to preserve our culture while keeping up with the rest of the world is the challenge we face. 


Triyoke Raising Parents is a mental health and parenting support collective, on a mission to weave western tools and techniques into Indian family values. 


From the nitty gritty of parenting and milestones like toilet training, to significant concerns like behavioural or communication challenges, our team of experts are equipped with the tools and the experience to help you through it. 


Following the vision of Hand in Hand, USA we dream of a world of warm, loving families where parents are well supported and responsive to the needs, fears, hopes and dreams of their children.


Well-supported parents are natural leaders within their families and their communities. And  because they truly understand how to listen and connect with their children, they will raise a generation of involved, creative, visionary problem solvers who will transform the world.



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Megha Mawandia

FounderFamily Therapist


Sejal Kuvavala

Theta Healer


Hiral Sangoi

Occupational Therapist


Samanta Duggal

Yoga, Movement and Bodywork Therapist

Megha Mawandia
Founder, Family Therapist
Born and raised in Mumbai, India Megha is a mother of two girls and worked in marketing and brand design for 10 years. When her younger daughter was diagnosed with special needs Megha took a sabbatical to equip herself with tools to support her better. The tool collection took her all over the world, opening up options and opportunities. This emotional journey of supporting her family brought her to Hand in Hand Parenting. Learning how to support parents in their journey of parenting opened up a doorway into the world she calls Triyoke Raising Parents.

To collect skills Megha went back to school to do her masters in social work child rights at TISS (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) and narrative therapy (Ummeed Child Development Center). Megha is passionate about helping people explore their role as parents and encourages spouses to better support each other in their parenting. Being trauma informed and queer friendly, the aim is to break binary modles where ever they seem to come in the way of preferred stories.


Brought up in a traditional Marwari family and a self proclaimed liberal she understands the polarizing pull between tradition and modern society challenges. Triyoke Raising Parents aims to be a platform using scientific and research based information for parents and teachers to make conscious decisions for their children. Triyoke is now fairly well networked and continuously working hard with advisors in India and internationally to grow into a safe space for desi parents.


Megha works with parents through general parenting challenges like toilet training, siblings, and sleep struggles and also through larger traumas like death and divorce that a family might experience. Through Covid Megha has been continuously supporting corporations in their work from home challenges by conducting workshops for their employees.

Sejal Kuvavala
Theta Healer

Sejal started her healing journey in 2019. For about 3 years she suffered with panic attacks and physical ailments like a cervical bump, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, IBS & candida. Apart from the physical suffering she felt overworked, underpaid, and felt not valued. All this transformed over the years. Making her pivot from advertising to Theta healing. It's been five transformational years of tears, evolution, forgiveness, healthy boundaries and finding her true self and purpose.


Why ThetaHealing?

ThetaHealing is a transformative modality centred around the idea that everything that is going on in one's life is because of their beliefs. Feelings like being unhappy, feeling stuck or even ill, all of them  can change by changing one's beliefs.


Putting the brain in a Theta frequency provides access to the subconscious mind. Sejal is able to address the root cause of the current problem through her intuition as a medium under guidcane of the creator. She leads one to the root memory,  and once it can be seen in a different light, one is able to release the negative beliefs, the negative emotion, the trauma and reprogram the subconscious mind. Sessions may also involve inner child work, forgiveness exercise , energetic chord cutting, letting go exercise manifestation and energy healing. All this makes one feel better instantly and can feel and see the shifts in life. 


Sejal has worked with people with medical conditions like sleep paralysis, lymphoma, gangerine, chronic depression to people with selfworth issues, not being able to find the right partner, people who have plateaued at work, or unable to find jobs and kids who keep falling Ill, with temper and belonging issues.


ThetaHealing is safe for any age group. 

Hiral Sangoi 
Occupational Therapist 

Hiral Sangoi is a dynamic Occupational Therapist who has a wide array of skills and experience in providing home, clinical and school based O.T. services. She is a keen learner and believes in utilizing evidence-based, family-centered and child-friendly interventions for neurodiverse children. Hiral is compassionate and loving in her approach with children and families, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to provide individualised interventions to support children and enable them to reach their full potential.


She has received specialized training and certifications in Sensory Integration, Handwriting without tears, Social Thinking and Neurodevelopmental Therapy. She is also one of the very few Aquatic Therapists in India to be certified by the International Aquatic Therapy Foundation. She is exploring and combining mindfulness, nature based therapy and relationship based approaches in her OT practice to create a holistic therapeutic environment for healing and growth.  She loves her work and considers herself lucky because she literally gets to play at work. When she is not busy playing, pretending, running, jumping, teaching and learning with the kiddos, she likes to travel , trek and read.

Samanta Duggal
Yoga and Body Movement Therapist
Samanta has been dedicated to mind-body health for over 20 years. She combines unique perspectives about wellbeing, healing and physiology which can be immensely helpful in trauma work. She uses Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yoga therapy  Ayurveda, Thai Yoga bodywork , Reflexology and Abdominal massage along with Dance Movement therapy, Vedic Chanting and Sound healing working on the Mind Body connection work through somatic healing to work with psychosomatic disorders and trauma  .


Samanta blends a wealth of knowledge and experience to create a unique approach that unites awareness with movement, breath, heart, and humour. She teaches  in festivals, workshops and retreats around the world in Africa, Europe, Srilanka, South East Asia, Middle East.

Triyoke Trust is a registered non-profit under Mumbai Public Trust Act (1950)

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